Using affiliate marketing on short form media, through hundreds of posts and commission based systems.

You Know Social Media is Crucial -

You aren't posting enough

You have low viewership

You have low conversions

You aren't seeing results

But you arent getting the results you need

Get Guaranteed Views Using This System

Use the system tailored specifically for your business - and have hundreds of posts created about your brand.

Top rated by 100+ clients


Heres the Secret Sauce

What makes this any different then paid ads and agency marketing?

Instead of Ads

- Use Organic High Converting Posts.

Instead of 5 UGC Videos

- Use 100s of Affiliate Posts.

Instead of Empty Promises

- Use a Guaranteed System.

Heres How it Works



Schedule your evaluation, and we will go through your business to make sure it's the right fit, and explain the ins and outs of how our system works.

Work Time

We will launch affiliate campaigns, with targeted affiliates that match the perfect buyer for your products, posting multiple times a day.

Evaluation and Results

With weekly reports, daily conversations and updates, and a guaranteed system, you just have to sit back and let the DFY system drive results.



Want to Hear More?

Ill reach out within a few minutes!

My Business Was Almost Bankrupt

"A few weeks before working with Elias, I got the call that we had overpurchased inventory, and with low sales, might be in to much debt to handle. As a last ditch offer - I used the affiliate system because of the guarantee. We managed to triple our previous month and sell out. Well worth it!"

- Meredith Mullen

Affiliates Are Way Better than I Expected

"When dealing with content on social media, I hadn't considered the fact someone else could make content for me. Took me from 2-3 posts per week up to 10+ per day, and increased average views. Literally 20x my business."

- Neal Sims

6th Time is the Charm

"Ive worked with most of the big names in the space, particularly with a number of UGC content agencies. None of them drove results, until this one, well worth it."

-Erick Robertson

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